What Can We Do To Stop This Illegal Takeover.

The first thing Americans need to do is band together. The elite wants us to be at war with each other to
divide and conquer. If they achieve this, the government is less likely to be taken over by the people.
Your neighbor is not the enemy it is the oppressors that are working to accomplish their agenda. We
need to exercise our rights daily. Rights are like muscles if you don’t use them you will lose them. We
also must continue to question everything. We need militias as the government should not
have militarized weapons that we the people do not have. Again government is NOT our overlords they are in fact our servants. All local communities need to start being less
reliant on our government. We should always prepare for the worst and be self-sufficient. This means
starting our community gardens and looking at other sources of food. It all starts with you. You have the
power. Remember, it is always better to be prepared one day too early than one day too late.