What Will Happen If We Allow Digital Currency?

One may think that having stuff such as Apple Pay or a digital wallet is convenient to use in everyday life.
Some may also think that cash is obsolete. Before we had cash or a “Federal Reserve Note” we used real
items to barter or we would trade in gold and silver. The elite want you to believe that digital
currency is the next best thing however think again. This new method that the government may propose
in the future can and will have stipulations. Let us say the government starts what’s called a social credit
report where the government can give you a social score. Let us say this score is based on your ideas
and values. What if the government does not like what you have to say they can cut off your ability to
purchase food and other essential items. The government can also control how much you make and put
a cap on your earnings. With inflation arising they are going to say we have an answer for this or a
solution. Then what will you have? That’s right a totally tyrannical government. The videos we highlight on 

this page should prove to you the viewer, that our government is no longer for the people by the people but 

has instead been transformed into our overlords. This is why the mainstream media never refers to words 

such as public servants and instead calls them public officials and authorities. Ask yourself why that is.