Ever heard of the herd mentality? What about the term “sheeple?’’ As humans, we tend to follow along with what others are doing or trends instead of our inner voices. We should be able to think for ourselves and question everything. Just because the government says to do something it does not always mean it is correct.
Many activists have raised awareness of the government’s actions and have been shadow banned on multiple platforms labeling their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech as “misinformation.” If you go against the government you can expect to be shut down most of the time. Going back to 2001 in the Bush administration when the Patriot Act was virtually passed overnight and senators were unable to review the verbiage behind what the act stated before voting for it, the administration at the time had the mentality that if you did not vote in favor of it despite not reading and reviewing the fine details that they would be responsible for more acts of terror to the United States.
The same mentality can be said about Covid 19. If you do not vaccinate then you are responsible for not “flattening the curve.”
This site this is a place where censorship does not exist.
We can share our information and express our First Amendment rights. Give me liberty or give me death.